Thursday, November 11, 2010

Taiwan Oolong Tea Study 2010 - The Journey Begins

Tonight is the official welcome of our study group to Taiwan by the TTMA in Taipei. It signifies the beginning of 8 days of intense study of Taiwan oolong teas. We will spend time with tea masters, farmers and tea professionals throughout several major tea producing areas in the mountains of Taiwan. We will experience how oolong tea is steeped in its long history from the earth to the leaf then to the cup.

Board members of the TTMA - Taiwan Tea Manufacturers Association

Norman Shu and Jackson Huang are two members of TTMA that will travel with us. They are members of families that have been in tea for generations. We were introduced to six varietals of the Camellia Sinensis tea plant. Examples of the plants had been potted for us to examine. We compared the shape, size, colour and thickness of the leaves. Two in particular Ruby 18 and Gin Suan #12 (Pictured in order below) we will see and experience throughout the journey.

An interesting part of the TTMA office was a display of 8 miniature tea processing machines made to scale. We will be using these machines throughout our processing time when we make our own tea.

1 comment:

  1. ‎13th International Wu-Wo Tea Ceremony, Taipei, Taiwan, May 27~Jun. 1, 2011(scheduled)
